Sunday, May 06, 2007

Letter to Lai Chack Middle School Overseas alumni

Dear Wong, Kam Sheung Willie,

We are the old schoolmates of Ping Society (1971-1976) of Lai Chack middle School and are happy to communicate with you.

Last year (19-8-2006), we were able to reunion with 120s schoolmates and teachers to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. We must say thank you as, at least, one of them found was through the web site of Lai Chack Middle School Overseas Alumni.

On 31-3-2007, a memory book of Ping Society was published successfully and another gathering was held on that day with nearly 100 attendants.

For easier communication, two blogs have been established since August 2006. You are invited to visit our blogs to have the sharing and photos of the meetings.

I am writing to you this time as we are intending to make a mutual hyper-link with your web-site so that we could enlarge our friendship and facilitate the communication to a greater extend among alumni.

Please feel free to comment. We are looking forward to your reply.

Best regards
LI Ho-kong, Anson
for Ping Society of Lai Chack Middle School


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

November 11, 2008 6:14 PM  

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