Monday, May 21, 2007

麗澤校園 燒烤會 


請大家 告訴大家


下午3時30分恭候, 歡迎相約返麗澤切磋球技!籃球、乒乓球........

每位收費 $70,包飲品(不包括酒精飲品)


報名請電雷雄聲老師(2723-0282)、葉樹民會長( 9667-7103 )、賀曾慶(9019-7841)


* 5月31日前交回 麗澤 雷雄聲老師,並申明出席人數、姓名;或
* 5月31日前存入 東亞銀行 213-40-11202-1 「麗澤中學校友會有限公司」戶口,保留入數紙 及 寫明出席人數、姓名,傳真至 2721-5946 交 雷雄聲老師。


麗澤中學校友會有限公司 敬約

2007年 5月 19日

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

陳松江老師 回港開陶瓷展

陳松江老師 回來了,打算在六月開陶瓷展,在本周日(五月二十日)下午四時在香港公園的視覺藝術中心與他會合下午茶,有興趣請出席.陳老師 在當日下午二時至四時在視覺藝術中心有講座.請大家通知大家。

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Letter to Lai Chack Middle School Overseas alumni

Dear Wong, Kam Sheung Willie,

We are the old schoolmates of Ping Society (1971-1976) of Lai Chack middle School and are happy to communicate with you.

Last year (19-8-2006), we were able to reunion with 120s schoolmates and teachers to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. We must say thank you as, at least, one of them found was through the web site of Lai Chack Middle School Overseas Alumni.

On 31-3-2007, a memory book of Ping Society was published successfully and another gathering was held on that day with nearly 100 attendants.

For easier communication, two blogs have been established since August 2006. You are invited to visit our blogs to have the sharing and photos of the meetings.

I am writing to you this time as we are intending to make a mutual hyper-link with your web-site so that we could enlarge our friendship and facilitate the communication to a greater extend among alumni.

Please feel free to comment. We are looking forward to your reply.

Best regards
LI Ho-kong, Anson
for Ping Society of Lai Chack Middle School
Dear Anson:

I took the liberty to cc: all my LCMS alumni contacts (overseas and HK) in this reply. I am sure they will be delighted to hear from other alumni and current students in our beloved school. In the past year, for the USA east coast, primarily New York, New Jersey and Washington DC area, we established a good local network. Just couple days ago, the Chan sisters/NYC hosted a dinner for an alumni visiting USA from HK.

I have not updated the overseas alumni site for a while. Your e-mail energized me to keep up with the web. Let us discussed how to cross link our web sites and share ideas to support each other. Ultimately, by working together we can reach out to more alumni and bring unity and strength to the alumni body.

One idea to ponder - overseas alumni is a very useful resource for any LCMS students who plan to study overseas. We can share with them our experiences, provide career and academic advises or simply a big brother and sister for them to seek help from.

When I first immigrated to USA to study in 1975, it was quite terrifying to me as stranger in a strange land. Language barriers, culture difference and daily routines (e.g finding the bus routes or a decent Asian grocery stores) can be a daunting tasks. Alumni network will be a great support group for our young LCMS who study overseas.

Thanks for the 2 blogs info in your letter. I know there is another blog (麗澤忠社) with URL:

..... devoted to a group to Alumni from 1970 to 1975 with lots of chat traffic.

Again, I look forward to working with you to expand our alumni network!!

-Willie Wong
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