Wednesday, August 30, 2006

麗 澤 校 歌
  1. 學不講不明業不習不精,友朋資講習學業斯有成,
  2. 君不見平地為山覆一簣,覆一簣登峰造極功無替;

副歌:學問無止境,勗諸生勵前程, 日邁月斯征,毋躐等,毋急功,毋近名。

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thank you all, my friends!!

Here's where all things get started, from the very beginning. I deeply appreciate everyone of you, and all the effort that you have put in. It really does mean something to all of us.

Thank you is simply not good enough, no words can describe my feeling right now. THANK YOU!

Tony Lo

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Monday, August 21, 2006
